Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Do People Continue to Fall for this Old Trick Each Year?

December 2010 – Happy and Healthy Holidays!

Last year, I wrote an article called ‘5 Survival Tips For The Holidays!’ which you can read on my website  The article gives some helpful tips you can follow during the holiday season.  This year, I decided to write an article about a common mistake people make after the holiday season.  When the season is over, a lot of people decide to lose weight and change their health which is fantastic.  Unfortunately, most of them are deceived into purchasing products and services that are full of empty promises and false claims. Why does this continue to happen year after year?  In this article, I will share the answer to this question and hopefully, by reading this, you will not be one of those people that fall for this old trick this year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Truth About Detoxification!

June/July 2010 –Health: Detoxification!

We have all been hearing more and more about detoxification lately causing many questions to arise so the purpose of this article is to clarify the meaning of detoxification.  There are some common misconceptions about detoxification that, if followed, can lead you away from your health and fitness goals.  On the flipside, by properly supporting your body’s detoxification system, you will move toward your goals very quickly.  Therefore, the first course of action is to learn the right protocol for detoxification.  When you begin implementing the following ideas, you will build a better looking, feeling and functioning version of yourself.        

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Bitter Sweet Mistake!

May 2010 – Nutrition: Excess Sugar!

In this article, I present some of the reasons why you should avoid the habit of eating excess sugar.  No matter how many times we are told not to consume too much sugar, sooner or later most of us end up falling into this trap.  It begins slowly by having a little here and a little there.  Then the excuses start to escalate; I will have some dessert just to taste it; there is no harm in only having some; it’s a special occasion; I worked out hard today so I deserve it; so on and so on.  Before you know it, you are having sugar everyday and several times a day.  This is a very common occurrence today as the numbers below will indicate.           

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Is Exercise Really That Important?

March/April 2010 – Exercise: The Dangers of Inactivity!

I am not a huge advocate of using fear for motivation but sometimes it is necessary.  I recently came across some shocking statistics that I felt I needed to share with you all.  These statistics compare the dangers of smoking with inactivity.  Inactivity is an invisible enemy that, at one time or another, seems to sneak up on most people.  Therefore, the purpose of this article is to expose the dangers of inactivity and demonstrate the importance of exercise.   

Monday, February 1, 2010

Olympic Motivation!

February 2010 – Getting Back On Track!

Isn’t it incredible how time passes us by so quickly?  It is already the end of February which means two months have gone by since we made our new year’s resolutions.  This is a critical stage for everyone as it represents whether or not your resolution is a failure or a success.  If you have made it this far without breaking your resolution then you are most likely to maintain it throughout the year and hopefully your entire lifetime.  Great work!  On the other hand, if you have broken your promise or resolution I have written this article to help you get back on track. 

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Number 1 Reason People Do Not Keep Their New Year’s Resolution!

January 2010 – A Successful New Year’s Resolution!

Last year I wrote an article called “A ‘NEW’ New Year’s Resolution”.  In it I describe some simple ways to create a resolution and then how to stick with it.  This year I will tell you the most common mistake people make and how to avoid it.  It is not what you are expecting.  In truth, what I am about to tell you may be quite surprising!  What will make this disclosure even more surprising is that it is coming from a personal trainer.  So what is it?